Responding to an Active Shooter | MA Firearms School

Mass Firearms school

Responding to the Active Shooter

Responding to the Active ShooterCost is $125.


Whether it be a shooting at the mall, workplace, or other public event “Responding to the Active Shooter” will help you understand the tactics & techniques needed to survive.  
This 4 hour class will equip you with the knowledge needed to protect both your family and yourself. 


Topics covered during the class:


- How to get your family out alive

- Understanding the mindset of the active shooter
- Analysis of past active shooter events
- Tactics for survival including run, hide or fight concepts
- Legalities of using deadly force for the protection of life
- How to deal with and assist law enforcement response
- Stress and the effects on the human body
- Weapons and gear choices for active shooter incidents


No weapons are needed for this course.


You will receive a certificate upon completing this class.


Class Instructor:


Yosemit Marrero

Deployed Combat Veteran (US Marines)

Former Breacher and Sniper in SORT for Federal Bureau of Prisons

Federal LEO Firearms Instructor

Department of Homeland Security Agent​


Responding to the Active Shooter



Learn the skills you need to survive or defend yourself in an active shooter incident.


[About MFS instructors] They were extremely helpful. They gave more advanced shooters the fine-tuning they needed and they helped the novices as much as they needed. One example that comes to mind involves an older woman in our class. When we got to the shooting portion of the class she couldn't even squeeze the trigger and was missing every target…Dan patiently explained to her what she needed to do to improve her accuracy…By the end of the class she was hitting every target and doing it much faster than at the beginning of the shooting session. I was extremely impressed.
Stephen from Worcester