Pepper Spray I | Firearms School near the North Shore

Mass Firearms school

Pepper Spray I

Pepper Spray ICost is $80


  • Used correctly, pepper spray is a valuable self-defense tool.  The difficulty is knowing how to use it.
    Pepper Spray I is a 2-hour class covering what a person needs to know legally, tactically and ethically before they carry pepper spray.
    Topics include:    
    •Mass Law of Self Defense and Your Legal Obligations
    •Effects of Pepper Spray
    •Different Spray Choices
    •The Draw from Multiple Positions
    •Strategies Which Allow You to Maintain the Tactical Advantage Over Your Opponent
    No pepper spray is needed for this course.
    The instructor for this class is a law enforcement professional who is Pepper Spray, Use of Force, and Less Lethal certified.  



Instructor Bio:


Christopher Doherty

Emergency First Aid, Women's Handgun & Self Defense, Countering The Mass Shooter Threat,

SABRE Pepper Spray Instructor, NRA Basic Pistol, Home Firearm Safety, Personal Protection Inside the Home

Refuse to Be a Victim, USCCA Range Safety Officer, USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals



Pepper Spray I is a 2-hour class covering what a person needs to know legally, tactically and ethically before they carry pepper spray.


[About MFS instructors] They were extremely helpful. They gave more advanced shooters the fine-tuning they needed and they helped the novices as much as they needed. One example that comes to mind involves an older woman in our class. When we got to the shooting portion of the class she couldn't even squeeze the trigger and was missing every target…Dan patiently explained to her what she needed to do to improve her accuracy…By the end of the class she was hitting every target and doing it much faster than at the beginning of the shooting session. I was extremely impressed.
Stephen from Worcester